Laying the Orc Ch. 03


All characters are 18 or over.


Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Grand Admiral Lanro was learning this into his sixth month as interim governor of the Orc home world. Things had been relatively quiet and peaceful. He wondered if there was going to be a plan to hand down control of the planet any time soon. Those decisions were not in his control. He was beginning to worry that this post was a life long position.

"Paladin Clare." He groaned as he sat upon the throne of bones and waited for his briefing. "I trust you are-" He paused for a moment. "Paladin Clare, why are you not in uniform?"

"Sir, this is the outfit befitting my station." She said. She was wearing ornamental armor and furs across her body. It looked strange on her. It framed her womanly quality's instead of hiding them like her regulation suit. He lingered a bit longer than he should at her newly exposed waist and shoulders. "I asked high command, and was given an exemption to better fit into orc society. I think you would be allowed to do the same."

"No, I think I am fine." Lanro was hesitant. He didn't want to get comfortable here.

"I can Change back if this makes you uncomfortable sir."

"That wont be necessary. In any case Paladin, you said you had important news to report?"

"Yes sir." She read aloud after clearing her throat, "The deserters are no longer an issue. They have all been captured or neutralized. Scans of the desserts show no sign of humanoid life anymore."

"Excellent." Maybe now the president would realize he was no longer needed as governor?

"However, there has been unrest." She continued. "In many cities, there have been riots."

"Riots?" Lanro grumbled, "About what? I haven't heard anything worth rioting about."

"It's the elves sir." She explained.

"Again?" Lanro grumbled, "I thought they learned their lesson?"

"It is more complicated than simple race sir." His second in command explained, He massaged his forehead as she continued, "Despite being a minority, they are long lived and still own a disproportional amount of land. Their cultural standards often are not compatible with orc traditions, causing conflict."

"In what ways are they incompatible?"

"Elves are, in general a very conservative and easily offended culture, but rarely do they become violent."

"I see." Lanro sighed. "I suppose you have a solution Paladin?"

"I have outlined some options sir. The first is forcible re-distribution of wealth and amalgamation. The elves would not like this, and there would be violence, but nothing we cannot handle. Then, once the elves have been scattered they will lose their central authority. They would eventually be forced to acclimate to the will of the majority. It may take centuries, due to their lifespan, but eventually the elf problem would be solved."

"I don't think I like that plan." Lanro said decisively. "It doesn't seem like a plan you would come up with Paladin."

"It was Sharak who suggested it." Claire admitted.

"I see." Lanro nodded in understanding. "Is there another solution?"

"Yes. We could designate lands currently owned by elves to be owned and regulated by elves permanently. We would re-establish the royal family, which at this point is not considered legitimate, and any orc found on elf lands would be subject to their laws. It would be tricky, but through selling and buying land, we could make the new elf land contiguous."

"I don't think the orcs would care for that to much. There would still be riots."

"For a time. But they will follow their world king in time." Paladin Claire added.

"I see. Any other options?"

"Not that I am aware." Lanro laughed. Claire was startled. "What is it sir?"

"Sorry, I was just afraid you would advise me to marry them too!" He shook his head at himself.

"That is..." She mumbled to herself for a moment before exclaiming, "Brilliant sir!"

He stopped laughing.

"The elves still recognize their own royal family. If they united with that of the World King, they would have your protection, and be treated as an orc clan like any other. You would become king of the elves, and the orcs!"

"Paladin Clare." Lanro groaned, "Please don't do this to me."

"I believe they have a princess of marriageable age!" She was checking her notes excitedly. "Should I make preparations sir? I can have diplomats at their door by nightfall-"

"Just, give me a moment." he looked up with grim understanding. He was going to die in this palace wasn't he? All he had ever wanted was to serve his planet and retire to a small cottage in the woods somewhere. Perhaps a farm to tend to in the morning. A river to fish in till sunset. Maybe some good books in the candle light. He never wanted to be a warlord. He never wanted two hundred plus wives. "Fine." he took a sharp breath and let it go. "Make the arrangements."


"But I don't want to be married Auntie Aria!" Princess Sarjia whined. "I hear he is old and cruel!" Her auntie braided her golden hair into ropes. They were heavy enough to make her feel she was already tied up. She pouted and looked at her own green eyes in the mirror. "I'm heir to the Elven throne! If I don't want to then-"

"My princess?" Aria interrupted her, knelt to her level and looked into her eyes. She had an empathetic, but forceful demeanor. Her body had more curves, like her sister, Sarjia's mother. Sarjia envied her for it sometimes.

"Yes?" She asked her aunt.

Aria slapped her niece in the face. Sarjia was stunned. "You will do this for your people." her tone was stern.


"Oh now look what you made me do. That was half an hour of make-up." Sarjia sniffed. "And don't you dare start crying. You are a woman Sarjia, and it's time you started acting like it."

Sarjia held back tears as her aunt fixed her clothes, hair, and painted her face. "Auntie?" She asked, "Will there be flowers?"

"Yes my princess. We negotiated on the wedding to fit Elvish tradition as best we could."

"Will there be orcs?"

"Yes. My princess."

"I have to-" She hesitated, "Lay with him? In his bed?"

"No my princess." She sighed in relief. "It will be on the stone steps, as orcs do."

"What!" Sarjia squeaked. "No! It can't be! Please, Auntie!"

"Calm down." Aria tried to sooth her, holding her shoulders down into the chair. "If I could take your place I would. But you are the heir to the Elven throne. When you birth children to the World King, they will be next in line to the Elven crown as well."

"This is terrible." Sarjia clenched her fists on her dainty garments. "If father were here he would not stand for it."

"Your father and mother are dead sweety. They are dead because they did not know how to compromise."

Sarjia could not help but feel her eyes blur with tears.

"If you ruin your makeup again, I will spank you till you can't sit down Sarjia." She sniffed them down again, a lump like iron forming in her throat. Her sobs were suppressed against her tight corset. "Please stop acting like you are the victim here. It is very unbecoming of a noble lady." Sarjia blinked back tears as best she could. Aria sighed and continued, "In a perfect world, who would you marry anyway?"

"I don't want to be married!" She said again. "Especially not in front of all those dirty, stinking, filthy orcs!" She hugged her chest. "I can't stand the thought of them looking at me, I can't imagine them watching on as I, as I," She stopped. Simply imagining it was causing her to break her composure again. "And you are making me marry one of them!"

"No, my lady. You are marrying one of those aliens that saved us." Aria explained. "We showed you the pictures, remember? He is a Grand Admiral of his people."

"Well, he looked like an orc. With those round ears, and that sharp nose." She mumbled. "I hear they take turns with the wife." She whimpered. "I don't want any of those degenerate orcs to touch me Auntie!"

"I know you don't want to." She felt her auntie touch her shoulders politely. The princess tried holding her hand, but her aunt pulled away. Sarjia felt cold. Auntie never held her like her parents would. No one did anymore. Everything was manners with her. "But this is for your people. You are doing this so your people don't have to. If you don't marry this man our people will be scattered and our culture will be obliterated." Sarjia looked down at the trappings of her wealth. Her white dress, her golden circlets, and her pale skin. "A princess must think of her people."


Her shadow was long, lithe, and petite behind the silk drapes of the palanquin. The elves in many ways looked more alien than the orcs to Lanro's eyes. They were more symmetrical, more graceful, and more uniform in their looks. They were not a pallet of colors and shapes and sizes like the orcs. In their ceremonial armor and garb they looked like they were still a strong and powerful empire, despite only being a relatively few gated communities across the planet. They moved like machines, or perhaps, as controlled as a living thing could be without being a machine.

Lanro watched the ceremonial procession. The orcs in attendance scowled, but none of them hollered or threw anything. His human guards stood between the races of this planet, protecting both with blasters neither side could hope to compete against.

Among the procession was a palanquin carried by noble guards in brazen armaments. Inside the cloth silhouettes of the nobles inside could be seen. On the ground, between walls of shields on either side, walked women clothed in white and men clothed in black. One could see this parade and falsely assume the Elven people were just as mighty and numerous as their adversaries. Lanro knew better. It was a fine show, but it was just a show. He would wager that the entirety of the Elven army and their arsenal was probably in attendance here. Several thousand solders made a line through the main road of the orc capital. Officers and some civilians of note marched up the center. Those who were injured, elderly, or for any other reason not pretty enough to show off would have stayed home. But this procession was their pride as a people. It was a vulnerable moment. Any violence sparked would spell the end to any possibility of peace.

Lanro sighed in relief as they reached the stone steps of the palace and began marching up. The majority of the elves stood guard at the steps. A handful followed the palanquin. In total, there were perhaps a dozen elves that entered the main hall before the throne of bones. Then, from the silks, The princess, some of her family, some nobles of note, came walking down.

All across the city there were three layers of security. Elves guarded their center. Lanro's elite guard were about six feet away from them on either side. And six feet from them were orc guard of various clans. At no point was an elf allowed to be within twelve feet of an orc, at least not without one of Lanro's soldiers between them.

In the main chamber, about a dozen of Lanro's most prominent wives stood on one half of the room. The palanquin and the other elves made themselves comfortable with their own ceremonial wooden pews on the other side. Between the two groups a young elf girl spread red and pink flower pedals on the cold stone, leading up to the throne. The mechanics of marriage for both cultures were difficult to synergize, but legally, the events to transpire would be binding for both peoples. The flower pedals were essential, as well as the pews, and certain aspects of the vows. Certain members of their government needed to witness the event, and certain documents had to be signed.

These things offended the orcs, but they followed their World King. Sharak looked pensive, leading the high ranking orc wife's to one side. This was not the solution she wanted. She had warned of elf treachery, or some orc extremist actions. So far, her worries were for naught, but Lanro understood her paranoia well. It was a tense situation. And until the event was over, Lanro could not relax.

At Lanro's left side Paladin Clare was close to him, and armed. To his right his wife Elise sat in ceremonial concubine garb upon the arm rest, touching his shoulder and watching with interest. He had almost grown used to her mostly naked state. He looked to his human wife and she seemed strangely bashful. "So," Elise whispered into his ear as the Elves prepared all that was necessary for their ceremonies. "She will give her vows, both Elf and Orc, and you will take her here?" Elise asked.

"It does not contradict Elf law." Lanro mumbled, "And it is necessary for the Orcs."

It was then that one of the elves began to play a song of their people on a silver flute. The orcs winced in unison but did not dare make a noise to interrupt. From the palanquin walked a figure even more long and lithe that most of her people. She looked delicate, like a strong breeze might pick her up. Very pretty, Lanro had to admit, but not by Orc standards. She looked far too frail and pale. She made the march with a gown of pure white. She was looking down and away. She was adorned with gold and silver. She stepped up past the pedals and up the stone steps before him at his throne. He was alert and at attention. Finally, Princess Sarjia stopped before him as the music ended.

There was a silence, for a time. Lanro stood. His footsteps echoed in the stone chamber as he made his way to her. She was tall for her people, but small compared to him. She looked up to him to meet his eyes once, and then looked away. He waited for her vows.

"I," He heard her voice quiver, "Sarjia, of the royal family of Elfkind, do solemnly swear to serve and protect you. To bind my family and yours-" he saw her shiver and saw her lungs seize. "And, And," Her lips pursed. "I, I, I have remained pure for fifty blood moons." Her teeth clenched. "I, I offer myself to you, my World Kin-"

"Sarjia." he interrupted her. She looked up in a panic, as if she did something wrong. "Do you truly want to do this?" He asked. He knew she was a woman. A beautiful woman. But she was acting like a scared child. She looked back to her people. And then back to the orcs. Then she looked down at her feet. She looked like she was on the edge of breaking down. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

Her eyes widened and she looked up into his eyes like it was the first time anyone had ever told her that. There was a silence in the room for several heartbeats.

She cried and held him tight. She sobbed with her face pressed into his chest, "I don't! I don't want to be married!"

Sharak took a step forward. "Do the elves not accept the World Kings offer?" She turned to the elves with disdain, but also, a devious smirk, as if hoping something would go wrong.

"The Princess will serve her people!" Another elf stood quickly. Lanro knew her as Aria of the royal family of Elfkind. "Sarjia has said the words necessary! You may take her!" She added, "You will accept her proposal!"

Sharak clacked her tongue to her teeth with annoyance. "She is correct. You will give her family what is owed by the laws of our people."

Lanro looked down as the shaking, shuddering elf that held him tightly. Then to the whole world that was expecting him to continue.

"No." he said soundly. The word echoed low through the halls and sounded through the air behind the palace. The princess paused her sobbing to look up at him with disbelief. Then he quickly continued, "I am taking this girl under protective custody until she decides what she wants to do. Until then, this city is under martial law. Paladin Claire-"

"Understood." She made signs with her hands and the deed was done. The palace doors were shut and soldiers were given the okay on the radio to undergo a lock down of the city.

"You can't do this!" The elves took up positions against all around them. The orcs turned to them like wolves to a wounded boar.

"My World King, this is unwise-" Sharak hissed. A line of soldiers separated and surrounded both parties in the grand hall.

"Rooms have been prepared for all visitors." Lanro continued. "You will be escorted there." he turned to his concubine, "Elise, could you take the princess to your quarters? Take two guards with you." Elise nodded and quickly obeyed. She pulled the princess along.

"Our soldiers will fight to the death!" Aria shouted.

Lanro said calmly. "Claire, tell the men outside there was a security breach. They are to maintain order as we settle the matter. They are to inform all orcs and elves that everyone is safe, but no one must enter or exit the palace until further notice."

"Understood." On the radio she gave the orders.

"You will all return to your rooms." Lanro ordered the crowd before him. There was a tense silence.

"What promise do you have that you wont kill us all one by one?" Aria spoke aloud.

"None." Lanro said honestly. "But I could kill you now if you prefer that."

"I would." Sharak said openly. "I think this was a wonderful way to bring all the elves to one place my World King-"

"Sharak, you will lead the wife's to their quarters as well until this matter it settled." Lanro said. "Are we clear?"

Sharak looked to him with evil eyes. But in the silence she buckled first. "Of course my World King." She allowed herself to be lead out, and the other wives followed. Then, as the amount of orcs in the room diminished, the elves allowed themselves to be lead away as well.

"That was bold sir." Paladin Clare said to him in the nearly empty room. There was only her, him, and some guards by each doorway.

"Brash is more like it." he shook his head. "Tell me if violence breaks out outside."

"Our men say it is very tense sir." Claire warned. "We don't have much time before someone panics."


"You are even prettier without the makeup, did you know that?" Elise washed the poor girls face. Technically, the elf was older than she was, but was perhaps as mature as an eighteen year old. The Princess was more calm now. "There there, you will be fine."

Sarjia sniffed and pouted, "I ruined everything!"

"Honey," She held the waifish elf, "If I know my husband, he will make sure everything will be alright."

Sarjia looked at Elise up and down and looked away. "Do you always wear that?" She asked.

"Hmm? Oh!" Elise covered herself bashfully, "I am the World Kings Concubine. It is ceremonial."

"Will I have to wear that?" She asked.

"No. You don't have to do anything you don't want." Elise wiped the tears off Sarjia's face. "What do you want to do?" She asked.

Sarjia looked confused. As if no one had ever asked her. She looked away again with a blush. "Nothing."

"Oh, everyone wants something!" She sat closer. Sarjia looked very tense. "What is wrong?"

"You are almost naked." She said, "Basically naked."

"Does that make you uncomfortable? I can put something else on-"

"No that's fine!" She said with a smile. "I prefer this actually. you are very pretty. i'm just not used to it."

"Oh?" Elise looked down and then gave a playful wiggle, "Do you like girls more than boys?"

Sarjia looked terrified a the prospect. She looked away again, her hands on her lap. "That is forbidden." her eyes zipped to Elise's breasts and then back away.

"Oh?" Elise rose an eyebrow with interest. "Really?"

"I am the heir to the royal family." She said to herself like she had been told a hundred times. "My duty to my people is to bear healthy children."

"I can see you are confused." Elise said re-reassuringly. "Don't worry. You have a lot of time to figure things out."

Paladin Clare entered the room. Elise looked to her, startled. Clare looked far more panicked than usual, "We don't have much time." She said, closing the door behind her. "Lanro is keeping the peace for now, but I don't know how long it will last."r"


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