My Freshman Year Ch. 05C

My Freshman Year

Chapter 5C

Twins Flashback

In the last chapter, Dan had just finished up my physical exam and taken me to nirvana. While I was laying on the exam table recovering from nirvana, he cleaned me up and took my temperature in all of my holes. He then announced "it is time to soak in the medical whirlpool tub again with the other girls while I finish up with your roommate."

The nurse cleaned Dan up and pulled up his pants but he did not put his doctor's coat on. Then he helped me off the exam table and since I was still exhausted from nirvana and my legs were wobbly, he put his arm around me for support and helped me into the other room.

As we walked through the bathroom, I told him I have to pee so he lowered me on to the toilet seat. He said "that is fine because I have to see if you learned the proper procedure for peeing," and told me to spread my legs and spread my lips." I forgot about that, but did as told. He squatted down in front of the toilet and me for a better look as I spread my lips for him. He said "we will do the pee exercise I taught you earlier to strengthen your pelvic muscles, so when I tell you to start, then pee and count to three and stop then count to three and start again. He said "start" and peed in front of him to three and stopped then started again. He said, "perfect pee stream." When I finished, he told me to pat myself dry which I did. He told me "I was a good girl and a fast learner and to do this twice a day to exercise your pelvic muscles." Then helped me up.

When we entered the University Sports Medicine lab room it was filled with exercise equipment, in the corner was the therapeutic whirlpool tub with the 5 girls in it, two of them twin sisters looking at us with this orgasmic look on their faces. Dan set me on the side of the tub and helped Amy out as we dried her off and said she can take her shower cap off, I still had mine on.

He lowered me into the tub between the twins as the girls all helped me get into position. Since there was no room on the floor of the tub for my feet, I had to put my legs up around the waste of the girls in front of me, which rotated my pussy up to where my pussy lips were pressed up against the other girl's which felt soft. We were all pressed together and I was now face to face with the twin in front of me, so Dan told us to kiss slowly, which we did.

Then he told us to do a three-way kiss, and the twin in back of me slid her body to my left shoulder and leaned over to kiss both of us. Dan said, "this is so fine, after what we did earlier, helping me take the twins to nirvana and even helped me to compare the twin's girl juice taste test, you can now seal it with a kiss."

He continued, "Now that you know each other so well, (looking at the twins,) it will be easier for you to tell them how you lost your virginity last year and coming to the clinic for a morning after pill. It is a little different this year than last year so they can tell you all about it. Then you, (as he looked at me,) can compare it to when the ballet twins lost theirs. In fact, you tongued both twin's hymen holes, right." I said, "yes and they were even shaved, I also tongued my roommate's hymen hole that night." That's when Amy said, "Yea, I even tongued her hymen hole and helped Bill take her virginity" looking at me.

Then Dan asked the twins "did each of you tongued each other's hymen holes and they replied, "yes, and our big sisters and Bill got to tongue our hymen holes also, so we had 4 tongues through our hymens". Then he looked at the other two girls in the tub and asked if they tongued each other's hymen hole?" They both said, "yes, plus, we even held the other girls' legs apart and spread their vaginas open for Bill, so we could all see his dick break their hymens." One girl said, "I even held both twins left legs open since she, (looking at me) was taking pictures. So, I saw and helped 5 girls lose their virginity then my own. We even saw their virgin blood from all four girls on his dick." I could not help but think to myself what a crazy conversation we were having but really turned me on.

Dan said "this is even better, a tub full of girls and one out of the tub that have all tongued hymen holes and had their virginity taken by Bill in front of each other. Now you can all talk about and compare losing your virginity with each other, but we will let the twins start off. So, tell me what you come up with when I return. Tonight, is like a flashback to happened here last year about this time."

"So, I will now take this girl to the exam room for a shave and nirvana. I will also put the heart monitor on her for her second nirvana. This way we can compare to see If the orgasmic intensity is lower, no change or stronger. I want to see if a girl's nirvana grows stronger each time they have one and since they can have unlimited orgasms, they grow stronger until nirvana. We can't monitor all the girls because it is too much information to look through. Plus, this way you all can hear what I am doing to her. So, this will take a little longer." Then he left the room with Amy.

Mine and the twin's breasts were mashed together which hurt a little, so she moved over to my left facing her sister and I over her left shoulder to where our breasts slipped into our valleys and our cheeks were touching. I was now looking at one of the other pledges and we just kissed.

One of the twins started off by saying that "they were in here several times last year and even got into the whirlpool tub with Bill and Jim together. We were like all of you last year at this time, freshman pledges in our sorority and were also virgins like you all were. Our big sisters gave us to Bill, probably like all of you," and we replied "yes."

Both twins told us the story together. They said, "our big sisters are to help us integrate into college life. One night we talked about dating and they asked if we had ever been with a boy." We said "we didn't and confessed we were virgins and they both smiled and asked, "are you really," embarrassed, we confirmed "yes." They replied, "you are now in college so things are different," and asked "if we want to lose our virginity?"

We said, "yes but didn't know how do it or with who." Our big sisters asked, "Would you give your virginity to Bill, the QB of the team?" We replied, "yes, but why would he want us." They replied "they have been with Bill and he likes virgins and turn them into women and we can get him to take ours, especially since we are virgin twins." All the girls on campus wanted to be with him and so did my sister and I so we agreed. Our sisters said what about tomorrow night." I thought, this fast but we both blurred out OK. They told us to wear a sexy dress tomorrow night.

The next day we even went out and bought new bra and panties to wear and spent the afternoon getting clean and ready for Bill but were nervous. We even shaved our legs and under arms and a standard bikini trim.

We got to the sorority house around 7:00 for study hall. Not much studying was done because it was hard to concentrate. That night Bill and Jim came to our sorority house and brought a cooler of Margaritas and we all had a drink and feeling good. Soon the campus shuttle bus came by to pick us up and took us to party at the men's athletic dorm. There were over 40 girls there mainly from our sorority and 10 guys.

Bill came up to us and gave us another margarita cocktail and said "this will help you relax" and had a few cheers and drank half of the drink, it was strong and I could feel it already. He said he had 4 other virgin pledges from our sorority and their sisters to take before us and pointed them out for us. We knew them. He said "he was saving the best for last, us. So, let's go talk to them and walked over to 4 girls from our sorority and 2 were pledges we knew were virgins also and the other 2 were their big sisters. Then we met up with the other 4 girls as we talked together. He picked out the first 4 girls and left the room to go to his dorm room.

During the party, we noticed guys would leave the room with several girls at a time, which meant they were going to their dorm room to get screwed. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, but the cocktail really had me turned on. About an hour later Bill came back in the room and left with the 4 other girls. We walked over to the girls that just came back and asked what it was like to be with Bill. They all gushed about how wonderful it was and we are going to love it. After Bill came back in with the other girls, he walked up to us and said "it is now your turn."

Our big sisters presented us to Bill and said, "Here are your virgin twin sisters," he grinned at us as he checked us out and replied to our big sisters, "you have done an excellent job, so your reward is both of you can join us so you can show these virgins about sex and how wonderful it feels and help them become women so they will not be scared." That is when I realized our sisters set us up, I was so embarrassed until I looked into his eyes and knew I wanted him to be my first. All the girls wanted to be with Bill and here we were. He asked us if we wanted him to take our virginity and we replied, "yes."

We followed him to the bar and he gave us another round of cocktails. We started talking as we drank, he introduced himself as we laughed and said, 'we know who you are, and told him our names. He said, "Well both of you are beautiful, it is like seeing double, and I love it." He asked, "how old are you?" And we replied 18. He said, "how did both of you stay a virgin this long?" We told him that our "father was a minister in a big church back home and we had a big brother a year older and he was on the football team so he kept the boys away. Plus, Dad was very strict and said we can only date boys from the church, and they were too scared to do anything with us."

Bill said, "this is even finer, I get the preacher's daughters for the first time, just like in the movies" as we laughed. "So now you can get back at your dad by giving your virginity to me the Quarterback of the team. In fact, your dad would be proud of you because he knows that most girls that graduate from college are not virgins. So he would rather you lose your virginity to the quarterback of the winning team than some drunk frat guy. At least you are helping the team to victory."

Bill asked if they really want him to take their virginity and they both replied "yes", "Then we can all celebrate both of you becoming a woman together. Both of you are getting ready to experience the most wonderful feelings of your life." He looked at our big sisters and asked, "Isn't that right girls" and they gushed, "oh yes!" Bill declared, "it is time for all of us to retire to my place so we celebrate both of you becoming a woman and going to nirvana."

The cocktail gave me a sexual urge between my legs and I felt all warm and wet down there and knew I must have had a small orgasm. Now I wanted it to happen. The only thing I could say was, "OK." My sister blurted out, "OK" together. Bill said, "one last toast to the virgin twins, now finish your drinks." It took two big swallows but finished it off.

We were across the room from the door that led to the hall way to the dorm rooms with a lot of people in between to see us leaving like we had seen with the other girls. Bill said, "follow me and we are going to do the walk of fame, I call it that because every girl in here tonight wants to be with me, and when they see you going to my room, they will wish it was them, plus most of them have already walked through that door tonight with other guys."

We had seen girls going in and out the door all night with the guys and we all knew why. It was now my turn to do the walk of fame. The crowd parted as we walked through. Most girls were cheering us on and they seemed to know we were virgins, I even heard some girls say, "lucky Bill, he gets to fuck two twin virgins," This turned me on as I followed Bill to the door.

We made it to Bill's room and walked in. Bill closed the door behind us and locked it. He had a big dorm room with a King size bed in the middle. There were two lights on in his room, one by the head of the bed, the other one on the table across from the side of the bed where three towels were spread out. It was really bright and lit up the room. The shade tilted to where it shined on the edge of the bed right where the towels spread out. I thought that must be where the girls lay, which ran a little chill through me. I couldn't help but think how many girls he has taken on this bed but that seemed to turned me on even more.

Bill said, "welcome to my room, hope you like it, so come on in and kick off our shoes and get ready to party," so we took off our shoes and threw them in the corner. He told us sit on the side of the bed and apologized for not having any chairs to sit on. That is when one of the big sisters said, "well this is where all the action is anyway," Bill agreed. He sat down and had the twins on each side then their big sisters. We talked a little about what will happen to us.

Bill looked at our big sisters and said "how many times have you been here," and they replied, "this is our third time with you and our fifth time all together. We kept trying to be with you during the fall semester after hearing how good you are, but at the beginning of the school year there are so many virgins we couldn't get in. We had to wait until the spring semester when the supply of virgins tapers off.

Our first time when you took us to nirvana, we knew we had to be with you again. We came back again hoping to be with you, but you were busy, so we did it with the linebacker." Then about a week later me and Amy was so turned on one night we decided to come back and ended up with Jim." Bill asked, "did they take you all to nirvana," and we replied "yes." He said "I must have taught them well."

Bill continued, "I remember how wonderful both of you are, you will be good teachers to the twins. So, I will do the same thing to all of you tonight as we did before, you all ready," They replied "Oh yes!" Bill explained, "this is so perfect, all of you inspiring me and the team to victory Saturday because you fill me with your love, energy, excitement, desire and dedication when I take you all to nirvana tonight."

Bill said, "I am going to take a picture of all of you together for my study on girls and their sexuality. This helps me to create the perfect process to bring girls to nirvana plus we can celebrate both of you losing your virginity" and took several pics.

Bill announced, "it is time to make love to all of you and turn the virgins into women. The first thing we will do is all get completely naked so we can get to know each other. This is part of foreplay and the first step in love making."

Bill continued, "I know you twins are embarrassed because society says getting naked is taboo but girls are basically exhibitionist and It turns girls on when they are told to get naked, especially in front of guys and each other and show their bodies. This is a primitive instinct of women to attract a man but society says girls can only get naked when they take a shower, otherwise you at least have to wear panties, but you have to get naked to make love. Making love is the most primitive instinct humans have because this is what perpetuates the human race, plus making love is a loveable experience."

"When we are all naked, we will move to the next part of love making, foreplay, with oral sex, using fingers, lips, tongue licking, sucking, probing and playing with your body. Last I will fuck you to nirvana, your big sisters know all about that."

Bill asked our sisters "if they liked nirvana" and they gushed how wonderful it felt. "So, time for all of us to get naked" and asked who wants to go first and we all looked at each other. So, Bill said "to break the ice I will go first. But all of you will have to take all of my clothes off first and get to know my perfect male body and QB of the team, and when you see me on the field, you will know how I look and feel naked."

He had our big sisters take off his shorts and me and my sister take off his shirt. He was so tall we had a hard time getting his shirt off of him, but we prevailed and dropped his shirt to the floor. When we looked down and our sisters were on their knees and had his pants off running their fingers over his big hard dick and balls." He looked so big and hard but could not believe he was going to put his big dick inside us girls.

Bill looked at me and my sister and asked if we have ever seen a guy's dick like this before and we replied." No, we have not" and asked if we liked what we saw. We answered, "yes, but is all of that going to fit inside a girl." He responded, "your about ready to see, but first let's get to know each other better." He put his arms around both of us and drew us in for a big wet three-way kiss getting me more excited, I never kissed my sister like this before and I like it. Then he told us to lick and suck his nipples and we both went for him at the same time. Then told us to squeeze, kiss and feel his butt "so you will know what I look and feel like when you see me on the field," and we did and liked it.

Bill then told us to watch our big sisters suck his dick to learn how to do it. We watched them take turns taking his dick almost all the way inside their mouth, Bill would moan. He looked at me and my sister and said, 'I do not expect you to take that much tonight, but while I am with your sisters up here, I want you both to just get to know my dick better."

Bill told us to switch places and had our big sisters get up and told us to get on our knees in front of him right where our big sisters were kneeling. We got on our knees and was presented with his big hard dick sticking straight out at us. We had never seen a big hard dick like his before and didn't really know what to do. Bill looked down at us and asked, "have you ever seen or touched a guy's hard dick like this before, we answered, "No." He exclaimed "this is so fine, complete virgin girls, but don't worry, I will help you to get to know him better."

Bill exclaimed, "this is so perfect, two virgin twin sisters and I get to show and teach you both how wonderful making love is and all about how to enjoy sex, he will be the one to break your hymens and take your virginity."

So, I need to introduce you all to my dick, his name is Mighty Max or Max for short. He is 7 inches long and 2"thick and ready to explore your virgin vaginas." Bill told Max to introduce yourself to the girls. In a high-pitched voice Bill had Max say, "high girls, I am Max at your service." We all laughed. Then Bill had us introduce our selves to Max, tell him how much you love him and ask him to take our virginity," of course he did.

Bill told us to touch is dick and had me go first. When I did his dick jumped as we all laughed. Then had me slide my fingers down his shaft, he felt so different than anything I ever felt before. Then had me kiss his dick head, and I liked that too. Then had my sister do him the same way. He said, "while I take care of your sisters up here, I want both of you to get to know Max and how he looks and feels. My sister and I took turns touching, kissing and trying to see how much of his dick we could get I our mouth, which was just his dick head.

When Bill was finished with our big sisters, he looked down at us and said, "you both need lessons in how to give a guy a blowjob. So, I will have your big sisters teach you how to suck a guy, they are good at it, as you have seen, because they have practice." We backed away and watched as our big sisters taught us how to suck his hard dick and showed us how to do it. Bill explained, "see how they slide their tongues along the underside of his dick. Now see how they pooch their lips out like they are kissing, this keeps their teeth from scraping my dick. They have also learned how to take most of my dick in their mouth which come from practice. That really turned me on even more, then had us do it next. We were much better than before but not as good as they were. Bill said, "don't worry, I will teach you how to do it, they have experience."r"


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